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The Facts About Breast Health:

Why do Mammography?

There has been a 30% reduction in the death rates for breast cancer since the onset of routine mammographic screening in the United States.

Is mammography enough?
Although mammography has helped reduce mortality, it can be limited in certain subpopulation of women especially in women with dense breast tissue.



When should I start having routine mammograms?
The American Cancer Society, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and American College of Radiology recommend annual mammograms for average risk women starting at the age of 40.

However, women with elevated risk may need to start routine screening earlier and may benefit from other screening modalities. Speak to your physician about performing a risk assessment to better classify your risk. At NCWIC, we always consider your risk factors when formulating a plan that is specific for you. It is important to understand the need for risk stratification and to be aware of your breast density. These are questions that we will find the answers for together.




What can I do to lower my risk?

Be proactive – self breast awareness, clinical breast exams, annual mammography and if indicated annual screening breast ultrasound.

Reduce alcohol consumption and also maintain a healthy weight and exercise.

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